Saturday, March 23, 2013

My New Babies

I realized that I have been so lazy with posting anything to my Blog, but that's where the lazy stops for me.  I've been so busy with my shop(s) that I haven't had time to post anything!

So... I thought I'd begin trying to be more active. I decided a couple weeks ago that I needed a model for my shop. My little helper "Chipmunk" is growing by leaps and bounds and my specialty items are more for Newborns and baby showers. I'm going to have to start working on things for his age group soon.. 

Back to the models.  I knew I needed a baby that looked as real as possible, so my search began on Ebay.  I found several that I liked, bid, and lost. Then one lovely store owner there gave me some good tips on Ebay bidding, and my search found 2 that I really liked. Like my addiction to fabric, my excitement for bidding was overwhelming!

Here are my 2 new models for SnuggleBug Baby &ME!  Tell me what you think..

This is Charlie. He was born on March 17, 2013. 

Here's Sera. She's a Sweetheart.